February 5, 2011

Neil Kramer

02/07'11 The news is horseshit
02/11'11 A dream-worshipping Druidic society


Guerrilla Psychonautics playlist
(not yet on Wikipedia ...)

08/19'10 Radio interview on red ice) Owning the Dystopian Daydream

pt 1 (or playlist) Nobody should be necessarily trying to wake anyone up

@ 4 min) And what's most disturbing about it is the () acceptance of the society that completely goes along with this apparatus that, you know, ceaselessly lays itself down upon the people.
So most of the time, if you go to somebody in where I derive from, so to speak, England, and say, what do you think of the Fascist state apparatus that is gradually been, you know, reaching its tentacles into our everyday lifes, most people just look at you as if you come from another planet and they don't really understand what you're saying. And even if you use less provocative language and say, don't you think that the government has overstepped the mark in terms of its reach into one's personal life and its desire to shape everything that we do and all the things that we can't do, people don't really see that very often.
And I'm aware that these are big, sweeping generalizations I'm making and, of course, for your listeners and for people who research and study these kinds of topics it's not quite the case 'cause people are obviously more informed. I'm talking about Joe Public, the normal guy in the street.

As long as the system consistently frames what it is to be a human being, which is always focussing the individual on what they have, then the individual will always concede to the principles that the system puts upon them.
("Bruce6000" 11/03'10 That's a good indication that people are just soaking up Government Language, abstract language. Ephemeral language comes and goes but it's supposed to be describing something that is real, something that is tangible. And what is real and tangible about what happens with the government is that there's always a gun in the room. There's always somebody pointing a gun at someone, that is draped over with language, and patriotism, and propaganda, and all other kinds of government nonsense to get you to accept it as a pragmatic reality. You can't win against abstract, nonsensical sentimentality.
[i.e. no child left behind, IRS, social security, collateral damage, national debt, law enforcement, social reform, sobriety checkpoints ...] In other words, as long as the masses accept as a pragmatic reality the abstract language that comes down from government and through mainstream media, drugs will never be legalized.)
So as long as they continue to go to the supermarket, and put petrol into their cars, and watch television, and freely walk around the streets, and go in a restaurant, or go on holiday for two weeks to Portugal, or whatever, then they're quite happy. And if you measure one's personal life on that basis things are much the same as they were a generation ago. If, however, you start to look out personal freedoms and personal liberties from a more abstract and more zoomed-out level it's completely different now, completely different now.
So ten years ago, the landscape to me from where I perceive, from what I look out is unrecognizable from what there is in 2010, and it's certainly distinctly different from when I was a child or a 7, 8, 9, 10 years old kid.
Things are incredibly different. So, the social, the financial, and the morale of the people is different. Is definitely a more pressurized sense of consciousness being held in place. And again, people don't think in those terms.

It's difficult to describe that to those people and, to be quite honest with you, I rarely try it. It's not something I'm interested in doing. I consistently say this and nobody should be necessarily trying to wake anyone up. You just play your own game and you work on your own consciousness and we'll come to this later in the session, but in so doing that's the best way you can wake people up, and I'll explain that fully later. But even in casual encounters with people just down the street, or on a train, or in restaurants, or in the supermarket, or whatever, you got a sense of conversation of what people are focussing and what people are doing. And, of course, a lot of our friends and family have a distinct disdain for this kind of information because it makes them essentially feel uncomfortable and it's not something they really want to talk about. So one of the control system's little deceits, one of its little tricks is to keep people comfortable. And when you do that, as other researchers have point it out, you don't necessarily need this over level of control, it can be relatively covert. But the interesting sort of corollary for that is that when people are comfortable they're less likely to get upset about increasing numbers of speed cameras and surveillance cameras and all these different taxations and stuff.
They just see it as part and path of modern life and that's the way things are:
'Oh well, you know, let's just get on with it and make sure we're trying keep a few dollars or a few pounds aside to mitigate any problems that might happen.'

The main thing here is: people need to recognize – and again, we are talking about two distinct types of people: People who concentrate on self-awareness probably have already recognized this but people who do not, who only move within the social and the culture () that has been the default reality construct for them ("Countries create their own mythical reality construct about how they see themselves and how hey want other countries to see them."), they're not aware that they live in an artificial construct. They are not aware that the world they live in is derived from, you know, a fantasy essentially, is derived from a fake matrix that is not strictly representational of what we actually have before us. So you have to draw people's attention to analyze this machinery and to look at these complex systems of management, but as soon as you talk in those terms people think, 'yeah, whatever ... sure, yeah, I think, I'll just go on and get a pizza and a beer instead and watch it out later – that might be good – and go on watch "Battlestar Galactica" instead.' Which is, you know ... I like those three things as well and it's nothing wrong with that. By design, the construct kind of normalizes the perception of everything and everybody and it becomes, as I might say, the default gravitation for those individuals who decide not to generate reality from their own field of creation. ("This is constantly underpinned by mass media acquiescence to government propaganda. TV commercials are morbidly graphic in their insistence on human compliance with these anti-human diktats. [...] Why do so many fine British citizens put up with this fascist nonsense?") So there is a distinct disowning of reality: They say, 'well, reality is just this big space that we all get put into and reality is as reality is and there is nothing we can do about it.

pt 2 A despiritualizing effect on the human psyche

And the reason most people choose not to generate their realities is simply because they don't realize that they can. Now, all this information is not in the public scope of normal libraries, and television, and broadcasting and so on – it's not there. And the slivers of knowledge and wisdom that do filter into the public domain are just far too oblique and fragile for a mainstream-cultural saturated mind to take hold of, let alone understand. And that is the deceit. So I would say, the propagation of the constructs into a consensus belief system is a sort of primary edict of the control system. Is not an elected thing! And its parameters are instilled into us from birth. And we call this normality.
'It's normal. This is normal.' Taxation is normal. You know, erosion of civil liberties is normal. Having deseases is normal. Going to the hospital is normal. Watching television is normal. And that is the trick of the control system.
So we're trained in this completely homogenous apparatus, its procedures, its policies, its conventions and so on. And even for the intelligent people who look beyond the surface of this – nevertheless we imbibe its science, its religion, its legalities, its restrictions – everything is labelled, recorded and filed. And this is where we start it to connect to "Brazil": This conditioning, this construct, is echoed through all hopes, if you like, of the system.
It didn't just only come through the literature and the media but it comes from our parents, from our schools and universities, our workplaces, and even the mouths of our friends and family, as we said earlier, and certainly through the media, but it's everywhere. Everywhere we look this construct stares back to us.

And I would say the danger is, the prolonged exposure to this has what we could summarize as a despiritualizing effect on the human psyche. *)
It makes you just into a biological machine and it reduces you down to just nuts and bolts and, of course, that is an aspect of us.
And when we talk about metaphysical concepts, we always have to acknowledge that we are multidimensional in the sense that yes, perhaps we do have a metaphysical higher dimensional, spiritual aspect, but we also are an animal. We're also of flesh and blood and we sweat, and piss, and shit, and eat, and fuck, and all the crude, gross material level things that all () animals do – yeah, we do those things. But when you despiritualize somebody, the play, the creation, and the charme of existence begins to evaporate and people acknowledge at deep level in their hearts that they're living lifes they do not want to live. The families, relationships, jobs, finances become disfunctional, become untrue.
So wether somebody's life is completely off the rails or completely on track, life does not satisfy anymore and perhaps it never did. And the only respite from this sort of perpetual gloom really is this fleeting relief that is afforded by distraction and sensual pleasure, and we all know what those things look like. And yes, we all partake in those things from time to time: whether it's just a nice night hour, few beers, TV, movie ... all those things. They're all good things, but when they are offered up as the only respite, as the only reward for living live, something is going terribly wrong. And so even the most cynical hedonist who leads a life of total debauchery knows deep in his or her heart, the sort of squalor of this sensual infusion is a very very poor surrogate for what should be a very inspired acceleration of life.

I mean, to a lot of people it's very esoteric to say we generate or own reality.
And the Reductionists or the scientific mind will say: 'Well, what did you mean by that? Give me evidence for that, I want to need to know more about that.' And you can point people in certain directions for this.
And I spoke recently about this notion of what perhaps can be called the "Akashic Field" which is ... Akasha is like an ancient sort of Vedic idea, Sanskrit word really for this field of interpenetrating ether, which perhaps is what it was called in Victorian Occultist times. Which was obviously immediately upturned by classicists or the scientists: 'What are you talking about? There is nothing there.' But as times gone by, we recognize this thing is like the sort of vacuum field and we could say that this field is sort of like a plenum that is the basic platform for all wave forms to communicate through the universe and it is full, it is full of stuff.
And rather than perceiving space and reality as this huge black space with a load of things in it, it isn't quite like that. And we see that this field has this ability to generate, and conserve, and convey information. And as I have said recently that Heisenberg said that, you know, reality is build as a mathematical, not a material structure ... And so when we understand that you start to think okay, so we're not talking about a world of objects, we're talking about a world of information.
A world of potential.
A world that is encoded with kind of mathematics basically. [...]

*) "Marrying the Unconscious, as Adriana Mazzarella, author of "Alla Ricerca di Beatrice, a Jungian interpretation of Dante's Divine Comedy", told me during the English lessons she took from me while preparing for her seminars on the book in the US, puts the person in a position of having to deal with not just what to do, but the why of our having been put in the midst of all this strife on the planet. Marrying the Unconscious is not a choice, but a dreamt declaration of what the psyche in its autonomy is doing.
The redemption of the individual on a one-by-one basis sets the stage for the overcoming of this stage of humanity where the kind of strife that many here lament, but many here lament without an apparent grasp of why we were born into this. As Gurdjieff said, outer freedom, the freedom to be in the world doing as we would really wish, is premised on inner freedom, what we get as a result of his or others' spiritual exercises, e.g. self-remembering to the point of actually hearing the voice of conscience directly, yielding to that voice.
Most of what he taught as practice is remarkably similar to Jung's alchemy, and, of course, it had to be as alchemy represents the mixture of Egyptian alchemy with imagery and understanding of the Jewish Christians who remained outside the church, breaking with it in the 4th century in the dispute over where the chief church of Christendom should be with the pope, who wanted it to be in Rome, while they wanted it to be in Jerusalem.
Gurdjieff's teachings also represent that combination of the Jewish Christian mysticism with Pythagoreanism in Syria. All of this was taken back to the West by the Muslims who added the "Al-" to the -chemy of the study of the Egyptian chi, a word which had something to do with Matter, our Mother, the Earth and by Knight Templars who influenced Dante, according to Dr Mazzerella.
All of the great religions are highly flawed interpretations of a more universal system, which can be found in Jung and Gurdjieff."

It isn't the code itself, it is a representation of it. And what the control system does is a very simple thing, but it's very profound: It only gives you one browser to look through, and it says, this is the browser, this is the interpretation of reality that you will use. There is no other, this is it, we control that translation and everything that you see through our browser, through our matrix is it – that is it. That is the default construct.
What we need to do is recognize that the point of being here on this planet, the crucial point is to explore, is to discover, is to unfold, is to create. And anyone who doesn't see that has missed the point I would say. And whatever your religious system is, whatever your philosophy, whatever your science is, surely those are the human principles that define us. The browser therefore is our own creation.
We create, we should create our own browser. We should create our own translation devices, our own filters, to either remove them or add them, and decide how we interpret the code that is there. And so it's a very important thing for people to realize that they unfold their own reality. We're responsible for this reality that we see before us. So what occurs and translates for each of us is entirely dependened on what emanates from our own consciousness.

pt 3 That darkness, that emptiness that you see is you

And the most damaging thing that one can do in this world is not be aware of that, because when you're not shaping your reality you're basically living in someone else's. Someone else('s) is shaping it for you. So it's like the default setting is the control system reality.
They are bunking on the fact that – to a high degree – most people, for the entire duration of their lifes, never truely question the reality, the constructs. They don't feel this impulse to explore it, peep behind the curtain, to look at it. And sometimes when occasionally somebody does do that, it's such a cultural and psychic discomposure that any sort of inquiry is immediately dropped and never returned to again in any sort of meaningful way.
Culture, however colorfull, and rich, and beautiful it is, often dissuades people from doing that. So the fail-safe of the system is that it deters people from walking what I would prefer to as their ascendant path of evolution.
And this dissonance that they put in arises really when the construct is questioned by anyone who inquires after it. And initially what they see is, it's a mirror, and it mirrors back into them and it shows them their own darkness. This leads into other areas that I will detail a little later, but when you first examen the construct, that darkness, that shadow, that hole, that emptiness that you see is you. It is the mirror of you. So for people who dwell solely within the constructs, unacquainted with their own inner landscape of their own psyche and their own spirituality, they're really unprepared for any sort of () that may involve any degree of self-reevaluation. And this emptiness in their own psyche is simply too much to handle. So they retreat and they go back to the complete undisrupted terrain of the constructs, and that is what the construct relies on time and time and time again.

The follow up can be found here: 02/11'11 A dream-worshipping Druidic society