August 10, 2010

Feels like a conspiracy to trivialize life

07/11'10 Graham Hancock at the Prophets Conference in Vancouver: "2012 Tipping Point"

5 minutes from 1:12 to 1:17)
So, we have enigmatic ancient sites and religious ideas, widely distributed around the world, extraordinary similarities pointing back to a remote date, 12,000 years ago. We got ancient maps seem to document the meltdown of the last Ice Age. Are we looking at the traces of a forgotten episode in human history? I think so. I think, that's what's going on here.
Because we've forgotten it. Because we are a species with amnesia. Because we are so much a mystery to ourselves ("Fingerprints of the Gods", pt 4: The Mystery of Myths ... What if?) – perhaps is because of that that we are so lost and so troubled today. So haunted by the sense of something missing, something that we need to know about ourselves.
For the Ancient Egyptians the essential mystery of human existence – concerned our spiritual essence – that we are participating in this theater of experience that we call life and the world in an immense endeavour aimed to that perfection of the soul. That's what we're here to do. Virtually identical ideas were explored at Angkor.

Well, in the modern world – sad to say – few of such mysteries conserves. This is it ('Shake your booty, baby')!
You know, our culture today, we have a thing about consciousness, okay? Our culture it admires, it venerates, it almost worhips one single state of consciousness and that is the alert, problem-solving state of consciousness that's useful for science, and business, and commerce, and war, and such things. And then we allow ourselves some downtime with absolut drunkenness and stupidity and abandon – that's also accepted by our civilization. But any other kind of state of consciousness is absolutely no no, and not allowed, and not encouraged at all. It's as though the world is conspiring to trivialize life, to trivialize us, to bring everything down to the absolut lowest possible level of hedonism and consumption with nothing else at all being projected as worthwhile.

I have talked with shamans in the Amazone with whom I've any times drunk the mysterious brew Ayahuasca. And when I've asked them, what do you think is the problem with the world, what's the problem with the West, they say, it's very simple: you severed your connection with spirit. You've cut the link. And you have to restore that link if you're going to move forward from here. You can't move forward from the place you're in if you don't restore the connection to spirit. And that seems to me the most fundamental task that all of us now face. Not these exterior trappings of power that had brought such horror and misery to the world.

What's happening in the Amazone is ... I mean, it's just beyond belief ... it beggars belief. It almost makes you suspect that some kind of demonic force is at work in the world. That we would take literally the lungs of the planet and just hack them to pieces. That we cut down old-growth rainforest – the most extraordinary resource of biodiversity on the planet: a 155,000 different species of plants and trees – and replace that with soybean farms! You know, soybean farms which will only be functional for ten years because rainforest soils are not very fertile. They are made fertile by the constant fall of leaves. Soybean farms to feed cattle so we can eat Hamburgers – what a bad deal we're getting, you know, from this whole thing! It's very very crazy.

I did a back-of-the-envelope calculation: six months expenditure in Irak at its height would have solved the problem with the Amazone forever. But we can't make that choice, you know.
We can't say to the people of the Amazone 'We recognize that you have an incredibly precious and irreplacable resource. We would like to take away your economic problems – please just look after that resource for us.' We seem incapable of doing that. We can spend that kind of money on wars but we can't spend it on saving the most magestic natural resource on the planet.

>> central comment journal >>

"Because we are a species with amnesia. Because we are so much a mystery to ourselves perhaps is because of that that we are so lost and so troubled today. So haunted by the sense of something missing, something that we need to know about ourselves. [...]
It's as though the world is conspiring to trivialize life, to trivialize us, to bring everything down to the absolut lowest possible level of hedonism and consumption with nothing else at all being projected as worthwhile. [...]
You can't move forward from this place if you don't restore the connection to spirit and that seems to me the most fundamental task that all of us now face."

I've begun to transcribe the best bits of the lecture that he visibly underwent in a slight trance-like state of mind. You'll then find it in my "central comment agency" under the rubric "youtube lopo" ... and if someone is also going to do so please let me know – I'm highly interested in all passionate passages presented by this man.

The "episode in human history" was made forgotten on purpose. By book priests. By the scribes who usurped the legacy of the shamans with their holy "mushbook" ... Like Graham said on CMN with Regina:

"Religion has moved away from direct experience of the spirit realm and substituted a class of priests in between us and the spirit world. And those priests are generally motivated entirely by this world, and religion then becomes an instrument of material oppression and control and is co-opted by the political establishment."

Therefore I'm convinced that without focussing on the actual machination of the dominating priestly brotherhood we'll never be able to save the spiritual treasury of the Amazonian rainforest. We'll never be able to say such things to its peoples like suggested by Hancock.

The key for understanding the problem's nature, though, doesn't lie in thinking in terms of conspiracy: "A conspiracy so monstrous" – everyone knows the line, I assume – isn't, in fact, one and couldn't never be one, too! You do adress, let's say, the other side of the story but you're continuously thematizing only the one. It's meant as a hint, not as some sort of allegation or so because you, sir, really are, in my eyes, the man of the breakthrough: Nobody else short-circuits the absolut core connection between spiritual and temporal power of a false flag Jesus and "his society of Jesus" that we're living in with all its medieval "knightly" consequences "that bring such horror and misery to the world."
Not even Terence McKenna did, inspite of being a man of genius with an extremely deep understanding of how culture operates. So, I hope you can imagine what a big fan of yours I am and I want to thank you wholeheartedly especially for your outstanding sensibility and bravery. Well, you know, there is indeed "some kind of demonic force at work", but: those "demons" are our greatest (cultural) "heros" ...

You're totally right: "It's just beyond belief." Meaning: piety is the key (not conspiracy).